Should Diabetics Snack or Not?

Should Diabetics Snack or Not?

The very thought that “Being a diabetic, I don’t have anything to snack or munch upon”, makes most people battling with diabetes sulk and become upset.

But is it really true?

Well! To answer the high octane question “To Snack or Not to Snack….” let’s quickly understand what exactly happens in diabetes. Here our discussion would mostly refer to Type 2 Diabetes which is a metabolic disorder. This health condition basically prevents the body to utilize glucose completely or partially and raises glucose concentration in the blood due to the inability of the tissues to utilize carbohydrates.


Conventionally the term “snacks” refer to mostly products made out of refined carbohydrates like maida, sugar and unhealthy fats which are not recommended basically for anyone, let alone, diabetics. But yes, it has to be admitted that consumption of such unhealthy snacks does more harm to people afflicted with diabetics.

That brings us back to square one… Can diabetics really not snack? Are dried fruit good for diabetics? Is popcorn good for diabetics?

Of course they can snack, but only “healthy snacks” with mindful snacking habits.

Snacking Right has its own set of benefits for diabetics:

  • Smaller meals are recommended for them, where snacks both in mid-morning and evening can be the perfect gap fillers to avoid long food gaps
  • Provides a consistent source of nourishment that can help to keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day
  • Help manage unwarranted food cravings.
  • Prevents over-eating that leads to fluctuations in the sugar level

A well-balanced diet with three major meals & two snacks is always recommended to diabetics since it can help to control normal blood sugar levels. Making healthy choices is one of the greatest ways to prevent diabetic consequences like nerve damage, visual issues, heart disease, and stroke by maintaining or achieving optimal blood sugar control.

The solution?

Diabetes Friendly Snacks that are high in fibre, protein, and healthy fats, in the Right Quantity at the Right Time is the key to successful and happy snacking for people having high blood sugar levels. 

The following are some of the best snacks for diabetics that help to keep blood sugar levels in check: 

  1. Nuts & Seeds (Roasted, Unsalted)Crunchy nuts and seeds are naturally power packed with nutrients like healthy fats, dietary fibers, protein, micronutrients (vitamins & minerals). Dry, roasted and unsalted nuts (such as almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashew etc.) and seeds (sesame, flax, pumpkin, watermelon etc.) are quick & good snack options.
  2. Roasted Chana: The crispy roasted chana contains lower calories and is a natural source of protein. It takes more time to eat and by taking smaller bites and chewing more, individuals will naturally eat less.
  3. Sprout Chaat: Sprout chaat is a spicy, tangy and nutritious snacking option. Sprouts mixing with vitamin rich salads, lemon juice and little chaat masala will make it tastier and a healthy snack. 
  4. Baked Paneer or Chhena Bhurji: This is a classic healthy snack item and is very easy to prepare. Protein, calcium, phosphorous rich paneer or chhena made with less oil can be a good choice to satiate hunger pangs. 
  5. Diabetic Trail Mix: It's a light, satisfying snack made out of dried fruits and seeds that gives a rapid surge of energy. It's a wonderful infusion of nuts and seeds that are optimal mix for diabetic health.
  6. Other food choices: fresh fruits, green salads, homemade clear soups.


People who are suffering from Diabetes should adopt smart moves towards snacking that it can improve their quality of life. Here are some helpful tips for healthy eating:

  • Couple of healthy snacks in a day: Having two snacks along with three healthy meals in a day is a good option for both controlling the appetite and preserving blood sugar levels. Diabetic persons should adopt such food habit to adopt a good metabolism process helping to avoid extreme hunger that can lead to binge eating.
  • Do not multitask while you snack: Multitasking like working at your desk or scrolling on your phone while having snack can distract people making it difficult for them to pay attention. It is important to pay more attention to control its intake. 
  • Slow consumption of food: Taking adequate time for chewing food and drinking fluids properly helps to give signals of feeling fullness and satisfaction to individuals. Slow eating prevents from over-eating and contributes to overall sound health.
  • Listen to your cravings: Over restrictions can activate hunger pangs and can have bad effects on blood glucose control. Instead one can easily make healthy food choices for their cravings.
  • Stock up with healthy choices of foods: Stocking up with healthy ready to eat, healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, sprouts, chana, trail mix etc. can be easy for busy schedules.

This lifestyle behaviour like long-term change in diet pattern can influence the maintenance of energy balance as well as body weight over a particular period of time. It is not a Start-and-End process. Focus and dedication is necessary for the long term changes. Permanent maintenance of body weight can take time & effort & a lifetime commitment.