Know the Real Truth Behind Keto Diet

Know the Real Truth Behind Keto Diet


Keto Diet has been undoubtedly one of the most followed diet trends across the globe. “Keto Diet” had been one of the most searched topics on the internet a couple of years back. Keto diet plan and keto diet foods have always been the talk of the tinsel town because of its immense popularity among celebrities and social media influencers.

Before we deep dive further, let’s take have a quick know how of what keto diet is all about.

Keto Diet: Basics

The food we eat is mainly comprised of two types of nutrients- the macronutrients and the micronutrients. While proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the “macros” as they need to consumed in large quantities, while vitamins and minerals which are required constitute of the micronutrients. A healthy balanced diet ideally comprises of adequate amounts of all the essential nutrients that the body needs for its proper functioning. 

Carbohydrates serve as the fuel to the body providing it with necessary energy. However, in absence of carbohydrates, fats are used as the source of the energy leading the body to a state of “ketosis”. Here, instead of energy being conventionally supplied by glucose from carbohydrates, energy is derived from ketone bodies which are produced after sustained carbohydrate restriction. This principle is utilized in ketogenic diet. 

Keto diet is basically a therapeutic diet plan that had been primarily designed to treat epilepsy. It is a high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate diet plan triggering the body in a state of ketosis leading to formation of ketone bodies which are known to aid seizure control in epileptic patients. Apart from these, keto diet is also considered the gold standard for treating specific metabolic diseases.

Keto Diet & Weight Loss: Where’s the connection?

The earliest records of recommending keto diet for the benefits of epileptic patients’ dates back to 1920s. With the introduction of advanced antiepileptic medication, the importance of keto diets, for epileptic patients, in spite of being a non- medicine therapy, had gradually faded. Keto diets regained its popularity as it proved its health benefits in terms of weight loss, fat loss and improved glucose and insulin levels.

Weight loss has been one of the most motivating factors influencing a person to formally follow a proper diet plan. In addition to it, when a diet offers tempting fat rich food options, it goes without saying that it would naturally garner a lot of attention. Lastly, humans have always had this natural tendency of reaping maximum benefits with the least possible efforts.

Keto Diet has basically amalgamated all these into being one of the most effective methods of rapid weight loss. It has gained immense popularity because of its quick shot weight loss promise without the dreaded hunger pangs. 

Evidence based research suggests that keto diets have had the advantage of being more efficient in aiding weight loss in comparison to the calorie restriction and/or calorie counting and fat restriction and/or low fat diet have traditionally been the conventional weight loss strategies.  The efficiency of keto diet in promoting weight loss is especially noteworthy during the initial 3 to 6 months.


To Follow or Not to Follow Keto Diet- That’s the Question

Keto diet plan for weight loss has been one of the most sought after diet plans which led to a rising demand of keto snacks and keto friendly foods in the health food space. In spite of that, keto diet for weight loss has always been a topic of controversy. Being of extremist type of diet that almost restricts the intake of carbohydrates, keto diet is often considered as a fad diet.

Apart from the benefits of weight loss, although keto diets have shown remarkable benefits for blood sugar control along with drastic reduction of serum triglycerides. In fact, ketone bodies also assist in lowering free radical damage and enhancing antioxidant capacity.

In spite of all the above pros, “Is keto diet safe” is that one question that always remains debatable. Extensive research backed evidence is available for short term beneficial effects of keto diet, but there is limited knowhow regarding the long term keto diet side effects. So long term sustainability of keto diet is definitely a matter of serious concern.

Keto diet often presents with the following disadvantages:

  • Onset of keto flu which is a combination of symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, difficulty in exercise tolerance, and constipation.
  • Can elevate uric acid levels and lead to kidney stone formation and can worsen up to cause kidney failure
  • Leads to electrolyte imbalance and dehydration due to deficiency of key vitamins and minerals.
  • Runs the risk of the otherwise safe nutritional ketosis being converted to life threatening nutritional ketoacidosis that causes the blood pH to be altered to an acidotic state.
  • Runs the risk of giving false positive breath alcohol test due to the bad breath and poor oral health.
  • Following keto diet for prolonged duration is challenging, so it is not sustainable in the long-run. If not monitored carefully, excess consumption of fats can even lead to weight gain.

        The Upshot:

The fact whether ketogenic diet is beneficial for weight loss would remain questionable. While there have been several studies proving the efficacy and benefits of keto diet, its non-sustainable nature and the adverse keto diet side effects puts it in the bad books of many healthcare practitioners. While many celebrities swear by keto diet which has primarily made it so popular, it is to be remembered that their diet is fairly under constant monitoring which might not be very practically feasible for the common man. Additionally, the complete omission carbohydrates is also not scientifically acceptable as body needs carbohydrates it as a fuel.

An individual does not gain weight overnight, it occurs over a period of time. Similarly, losing weight should also follow a similar trail. Being slow and steady is correct rationale to lose weight sustainably rather than regretting keto ruined my health. Diet should always be not about eating less but all about eating right.

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